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Here is some of the gear I use 

As you may know I am endorsed by Chapman Guitars as a development artist and I absolutely love their company ad the instruments that they collabritively create. I play a standard ML-1 ash version which has been the main weapon of my recent song writing and recording.

Elixir strings are probably the one product that I rely on the most out of all my gear. I would never use anything else on my own instruments and I can't see that changing any time soon - they last forever, feel slick and hydrated no matter what, and sound consistently perfect no matter how worn you may think they are.

The Line 6 POD HD400 has been the reason that I can get a flawless recording signal and DI in a room as small as my own - The value for what you get is ridiculous and combined with it's integration with the Line 6 community you are granted with infinfinite tone sharing and crafting possibilities.

I am an extrmely proud owner of a vintage RG-100ES head (the same model that was used by Dimebag Darrell of Pantera) and connot begin to describe how lucky I am to be so. Dime created a whole new perception of tone with this solid-state beast and with a bit of luck (and Dime's help) I strive to do something similar.

Lace are one of the companies that really inspire me, not one of their products is just a 'run of the mill' - They strive to create something new at every opportunity, and having used the lace alumitone humbuckers and single-coils, I can safelfy say that they have re-invented the guitar pickup.

© 2014 by JOSH POLHILL

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